Want To Feel Happier? Eat More Fruits and Vegetables
Whether this validates good eating habits or encourages better ones, we just love this study. Researchers at Dartmouth's Geisel School of Medicine (looking at 80,000 randomly selected British individuals) found that happiness and mental health rise in an approximately dose-response way with the number of daily portions of fruits and vegetables.
Much attention has been given to chocolate as the good mood food, now it turns out apples and carrots, celery and oranges will do the same.
In the study people who ate 4-5 portions of fruits and vegetables were more than twice as happy as those who ate 1-2 portions. Not only were they happier, but the fruit and veggie eaters also reported being less "nervous" and "downhearted."
Well-being "peaked" according to researchers, at seven portions per day. Beyond that it's all gravy, or maybe pulp?
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