The Girl Scouts Introduce A Cookie With Super-Food Ingredients, and Nattering Nabobs Snipe

The Girl Scouts make an attempt to make a healthier cookie, and everyone jumps all over them. With the start of cookie season the Girl Scouts have introduced a new cookie brand, Mango Cremes, filled with a patented functional food called NutriFusion that contains cranberry, pomegranate, orange, grape, strawberry and shitake mushrooms--a bunch of antioxidants and even an immune system stimulant.
We'll have to track down a Girl Scout (not easy to do in New York City) to get a taste of it, but for a moment we'd like to applause the "girls" (though this idea smacks of troop leaders) for their effort.
Indeed, we'd say enhancing cookies with immune-boosting shitake mushrooms during the height of flu season is a downright public service.
Sure it's still a cookie--this was the Huff Post's smoking gun; and yes the relatively small amount of NutriFusion almost certainly provides more hype than health. But we don't think it's "Bullshit" as Jezebel ranted. it's a good idea, and one that--if they can preserve the taste--should be used by other mass-market cookie mongers--Oreos, are you listening?
So let's just calm down, credit the Girl Scouts for at least trying to sneak some nutrients into their cookies. And, for goodness sake, let's all remember that cookies are supposed to be occasional treats. Get your nutrients with your meals!
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