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Whither the Segway

Hey, wait for me!The other day in New York City, we saw someone, er, pedaling a crazy contraption like this, southbound in traffic, alongside whizzing yellow cabs and hulking delivery trucks. It was a funny moment, like seeing a trailer for the forthcoming scary movie Escape From The Gym! (starring Will Ferrell, of course). If the extraterrestrials are studying earthling behavior, what would they make of this odd collision of instincts: the narcotic effect of spinning has taken bikers inside, while the concrete-jungle-inspired elliptical machine, an urban gym fixture, has been re-configured for the out of doors? Chicken, egg....

Well, it turns out, that one model, the ElliptiGo, was invented out of necessity.  In 2005, company co-founder and former cyclist and Ironman triathlete Bryan Pate could not longer run because of hip and knee injuries. A lifetime of contact and endurance sports had caught up with him, and by the ripe age of 32 he could only engage in low-impact exercise. He considered returning to cycling but he'd always found the saddle of a bike and the riding position seriously uncomfortable, and besides, cycling workouts take too much time. So, he started using the indoor elliptical trainer. He he liked the exercise, but he hated being locked in a gym. To solve this problem, he decided to buy a low-impact running device he could ride on the street. Foreshadow next new fitness craze........

Meanwhile in Britain, great minds think alike

References (2)

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  • Response
    Response: Meir Ezra Coach
    Whither the Segway - Physique - iwellville, health and medicine, natural, alternative, environmental, healthy food, fitness, diet, trends
  • Response
    Response: Mano Swartz
    Whither the Segway - Physique - iwellville, health and medicine, natural, alternative, environmental, healthy food, fitness, diet, trends

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