A Bicycle that Makes Ice Cream

We can't decide whether this is madness, genius, or--as usual--a little bit of both from West coast entrepreneur Edward Belden. Peddler's Creamery in downtown L.A. makes organic, fair trade, local and in some cases vegan ice cream churned exclusively on custom-made bicycles. Belden's idea has already attracted micro loans from Kickstarter and from the founder of Samuel Adams beer through his Samuel Adams Brewing the American Dream Fund.Peddler's Creamery Banana Chocolate Chip; no electricity required.
The ice cream--with flavors like Gingerbread, Honey Lavender, Thai Ice Tea and Sweet Potato Pie--is already getting rave reviews for taste. And of course high marks for sustainability.
Building glutes and delicious ice cream in L.A.
The mini-business is also contributing in its small way to the job market. A message on the company website to job seekers: "If you’d love to peddle around LA and want to build up some stamina while greeting the crowd and getting paid to help produce some incredible dairy and non-dairy deliciousness then you’ll love it here."
We imagine spinning classes where people can churn out ice cream and butter; and why not a spinning bike that generates electricity? Well, Peddler's Creamery is a start.
Here, the ice cream churning bike in action courtesy of CNBC.
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