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Steve Jobs, Vegan Cupcakes and a Birthday

Is there any trend this man did not foresee?  Vegan cupcakes were apparently Steve Jobs' sweet of choice--long before they won cupcake wars and became de rigueur at celebrity shindigs--and so truckloads will be on hand (along with black turtlenecks and Dylan music) at the unofficial gathering outside the Apple flaship store on Fifth Avenue in New York today to commemorate what would be Steve Jobs' 57th birthday.  

These saintly cupcakes are less a dietary eccentricity than a way of sticking it to the man.

Vegan cupcakes are made without eggs, butter, cream or anything else an animal may have labored to produce. Even honey is out because someone might have exploited the poor bees (never mind about the people who make the iphone.) These saintly cupcakes are less a dietary eccentricity than a way of sticking it to the man.

By not eating (or even wearing) anything an animal had to die for--or even lift a feather to provide--vegans protest not only cruelty to animals but also corporate and government control of the food supply. Born out of the punk movement in the 1970s and early 1980s, vegans tend to question everything, especially the status quo.  A fitting food movement for Mr. Jobs.

Cynics might say his dietary politics didn't do much for his health.  But in as much as veganism is a state of mind, he seems to have achieved a pretty high level of clarity. The crowd outside the Apple flagship today (organized by Dr. Brendan and Stackexchange--both involved in troubleshooting Apple products) can only hope someone else will come along to carry on the revolution.

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