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St. Fiacre? Patron Saint Of Hemorrhoid Sufferers

According to Johns Hopkins, more than half of all Americans develop hemorrhoids by age 50, and men and women are at equal risk. In fact, the condition is so ubiquitous that hemorrhoid sufferers have their own patron saint, St. Fiacre.

During the Middle Ages, an integral part of the therapy for certain ailments included supplication to "patron" saints for possible divine intervention. Through legends surrounding his life, St. Fiacre, a 7th century Irish monk, has become the patron saint for hemorrhoid sufferers (and gardeners). During Medieval times, hemorrhoids were known as St. Fiacre's curse. St. Fiacre is also known as the patron saint of gardeners as he was told he could farm all the land he could manage to cultivate in a single day. He was given a rather small shovel by his bishop. So he could grab as much land as possible, he spent a very long day spading his garden and developed a severe case of prolapsed hemorrhoids, the legend goes. Seeking a solution, he sat on a stone and prayed for help. The legend states he enjoyed a miraculous cure from the stone. 

Today, a number of factors increase the risk of hemorrhoids or can make them worse. For example, they are more common with age, peaking at around age 65. Hemorrhoids are also associated with obesity, pregnancy and childbirth, liver disease, prostate enlargement, chronic cough, and diarrhea -- all of which can increase pressure on veins in the anus and rectum. Contrary to popular belief, heavy lifting, long periods of sitting, and chronic constipation do not lead to hemorrhoids, although these factors can irritate existing hemorrhoids. Excessive rubbing or cleaning of the anal area also can irritate an existing condition. 

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    St. Fiacre? Patron Saint Of Hemorrhoid Sufferers - Culture - iwellville, health and medicine, natural, alternative, environmental, healthy food, fitness, diet, trends
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    Football is really 1 of the biggest sports in America. It has a key following.
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    St. Fiacre? Patron Saint Of Hemorrhoid Sufferers - Culture - iwellville, health and medicine, natural, alternative, environmental, healthy food, fitness, diet, trends
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    St. Fiacre? Patron Saint Of Hemorrhoid Sufferers - Culture - iwellville, health and medicine, natural, alternative, environmental, healthy food, fitness, diet, trends
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    St. Fiacre? Patron Saint Of Hemorrhoid Sufferers - Culture - iwellville, health and medicine, natural, alternative, environmental, healthy food, fitness, diet, trends
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    St. Fiacre? Patron Saint Of Hemorrhoid Sufferers - Culture - iwellville, health and medicine, natural, alternative, environmental, healthy food, fitness, diet, trends
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    St. Fiacre? Patron Saint Of Hemorrhoid Sufferers - Culture - iwellville, health and medicine, natural, alternative, environmental, healthy food, fitness, diet, trends
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    St. Fiacre? Patron Saint Of Hemorrhoid Sufferers - Culture - iwellville, health and medicine, natural, alternative, environmental, healthy food, fitness, diet, trends
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    St. Fiacre? Patron Saint Of Hemorrhoid Sufferers - Culture - iwellville, health and medicine, natural, alternative, environmental, healthy food, fitness, diet, trends
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Reader Comments (2)

This is a nice blog with a great informative posts. .thanks for the post, it will be a great help to those who are suffering from hemorrhoids.

January 26, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterhemorrhoids

Please pray for my anal issues....thanj you. I have been experiencing manynprobs in the lower region. Please pray for me

May 7, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterMany health issues

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