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More Trouble for Resveratrol Cancer Drug Trials

In May, Glaxo Smith Klein suspended a multiple myeloma cancer trial of resveratrol SRT501--Glaxo's very expensive ($720 million) version of the anti-aging grape extract--due to complications including kidney failure in patients taking the drug. Now in a statement this morning to reporters at, the drug giant said that after a thorough analysis researchers concluded that particular formulation "may offer minimal efficacy while having a potential to indirectly exacerbate a renal complication common in the patient population." The company has no further plans to develop SRT501.

"Going forward," said GSK, "we've decided to focus our efforts on more selective SIRT1 activator compounds that have no chemical relationship to SRT501 and more favorable drug-like properties."

SRT501 is a special formulation of resveratrol, an ingredient in grapes that has been linked to a wide array of health benefits. Researchers had been evaluating the safety of the drug alone and in combination with Velcade when they spotted the cast nephropathy that developed in several patients with multiple myeloma.

The news was first reported this morning by the Myeloma Beacon.

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