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Daily Pill Greatly Lowers Aids Risk

From The New York Times

Healthy gay men who took an anti-AIDS pill every day were well protected against contracting H.I.V. in a study suggesting that a new weapon against the epidemic has emerged.

In the study, published Tuesday by the New England Journal of Medicine, researchers found that the men taking Truvada, a common combination of two antiretroviral drugs, were 44 percent less likely to get infected with the virus that causes AIDS than an equal number taking a placebo.

But when only the men whose blood tests showed that they had taken their pill faithfully every day were considered, the pill was more than 90 percent effective, said Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, head of the infectious diseases division of the National Institutes of Health, which paid for the study along with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

“That’s huge,” Dr. Fauci said. “That says it all for me.”

The large study, nicknamed iPrEx, included nearly 2,500 men and was coordinated by the Gladstone Institutes of the University of California, San Francisco.

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    Daily Pill Greatly Lowers Aids Risk - Advances - iwellville, health and medicine, natural, alternative, environmental, healthy food, fitness, diet, trends
  • Response
    Daily Pill Greatly Lowers Aids Risk - Advances - iwellville, health and medicine, natural, alternative, environmental, healthy food, fitness, diet, trends

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